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Doctor Green Life

Healthy Toasted Flour of Groats - Saviq

Healthy Toasted Flour of Groats - Saviq

Regular price $9.87 USD
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  • Healthy and high-quality
  • Natural multivitamins


  • Useful for children's growth
  • Strengthens the body
  • Blood formation
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Skin and hair health
  • Strengthens pregnant mothers
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Bone strengthening
  • Heart and respiratory system tonic
  • Laxative
  • Weight management aid
  • Thirst quenching
  • Stomach fortification
  • Body cooling
  • Treatment of freckles and menstrual bleeding cessation
  • Beneficial for tear glands


  • In the preparation of porridge, halva, cakes, soups, stews, and...
  • No-bake fortifying sweetmeat; groats with olive oil, honey, or syrup and rose water, and adding coconut powder, cardamom extract, and... for better taste
  • Baked halva; 1/4 cup of baby groats, 1/4 cup of animal fat, a little water, 1 tablespoon of syrup
  • Recipe: First, pour the fat into a copper dish while the flame is low, then add the soaked groats, and then add the syrup and turn off the flame. Smooth the halva to make it easy for the child to eat and digest.
  • Combination of groats, sesame, and dates; a healthy snack


  • Toasted flour of legumes and grains is called groats or Saviq
  • This powder is a rich source of vitamins, especially vitamins E and B, and is known as a vitamin bomb.
  • Combined with olive oil without toasting; it beautifies facial skin, nourishes the body, and strengthens bones.

-Weight: 1000 grams

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