Premature Ejaculation:
Premature ejaculation, which occurs contrary to a person's desire and without their control, usually within less than 2 minutes and in over 90% of relationships, is referred to as premature ejaculation. This condition leaves the individual dissatisfied with the timing of ejaculation and the quality of the sexual experience, and this dissatisfaction can be one-sided or mutual. Premature ejaculation is influenced by various factors, many of which are abundant in today's society. These factors include stress, anxiety, nervousness, excessive consumption of fast foods and ready-made meals, which are continuously increasing in number.
Premature ejaculation is an issue that can be problematic for both men and women, depriving them of reaching the peak of sexual pleasure. There are many men who, due to premature ejaculation, consistently feel ashamed in front of their sexual partners. As a result, their sexual relationship becomes unpleasant rather than pleasurable. Naturally, the necessary time for a man to reach orgasm varies between 3 to 10 minutes, depending on age and physical conditions (with an average of around 5 minutes for young men).
Although most men desire a longer duration until reaching orgasm, the exact time of orgasm is not important. The quality of orgasm, especially the simultaneous orgasm of both partners, holds more significance. If both partners achieve orgasm simultaneously, even if their intimacy lasts for a short period, they have experienced a successful connection. Premature ejaculation is not essentially considered an illness; it can be attributed to individuals' obsessive thoughts and anxiety about having a satisfying sexual relationship, leading to the development of this disorder. Therefore, reducing anxiety and maintaining calmness along with body control and emotional control through practice is the best method for preventing and treating this issue.
Above all, the most important and effective method is adding passion to the sexual relationship. Using techniques such as caressing and stimulating the chest, ears, and clitoris, along with the use of affectionate words during intercourse, can eliminate the problems of premature ejaculation and sexual dissatisfaction.
Causes of Premature Ejaculation in Men:
- Anxiety and Psychological Factors: The most important factor that triggers and exacerbates premature ejaculation in men is anxiety. Anxiety during intercourse, feelings of guilt, or depression can lead to premature ejaculation. One must not forget that mental and psychological issues, as well as occupational and familial stresses, greatly affect the emergence of sexual problems and can be a primary source of sexual dysfunction in men and decreased sexual desire or sexual aversion in women.
- Long Gaps between Sexual Intercourse: When sexual feelings between partners accumulate and a long gap occurs between sexual activities, suddenly controlling these built-up feelings becomes difficult and can lead to premature ejaculation. Therefore, one of the relatively common causes of premature ejaculation is having a low frequency of sexual relations, which requires attention.
- Limited Sexual Experience: Most individuals experience this problem at the beginning of their marital life, but over time, with more experience, the issue is usually resolved.
- Hormonal Disorders: Hormonal problems are among the factors that lead to premature ejaculation. For instance, disorders in the function of the thyroid gland can cause premature ejaculation. In some men, the only symptom of an overactive thyroid is premature ejaculation. Around half of men with hyperthyroidism suffer from premature ejaculation.
- Being Afflicted with Diseases: Suffering from certain diseases can lead to sexual disorders. One major category of such diseases is infections or inflammations of the prostate, commonly referred to as prostatitis. This condition varies with the enlargement of the prostate, which typically begins after the age of 50. Men who are affected by prostate infections or inflammations might experience severe premature ejaculation. Generally, various diseases can cause sexual issues, including hormonal problems, neurological disorders, psychological illnesses, endocrine issues, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even the impact of different medications taken by the patient.
Addressing Premature Ejaculation
Behavioral therapy is one of the most effective, and safe, with fewer side effects method to address premature ejaculation, wherein an individual aims to control their sexual behavior and emotions through behavioral training rather than relying on drugs or artificial substances.
The crucial aspect in addressing premature ejaculation behaviorally is that if, due to previous habits, a man encounters premature ejaculation, the woman should not reproach him. Instead, she should encourage him and provide reassurance. This can gradually lead to improvement in subsequent attempts. Premature ejaculation is a condition that has become common among men today. Unfortunately, to escape from this problem, they resort to methods such as ointments, various pills, injections, gels, and delay condoms, yet none of these have any effect.
Proposed Behavioral Approach
Men who experience premature ejaculation are advised to take the following steps to prevent premature ejaculation and build self-confidence:
It's better for men who experience premature ejaculation to rest for about half an hour and then attend to personal hygiene after their first sexual encounter. For the second round, they should be prepared and coordinated with their partner to compensate for any shortcomings. If this coordination is repeated multiple times, the man will gradually gain self-confidence, and premature ejaculation will be alleviated. This introduction serves to address premature ejaculation and promote their mental and emotional well-being, as well as enhance their self-confidence. Individuals suffering from premature ejaculation can utilize the method explained below.
These methods include:
- Men should start by building self-confidence and avoiding nervousness.
- On nights they intend to engage in sexual activity, they should have their meal three hours before sleep. Ideally, the meal should consist of 7 dates, 15 raw almonds, 2 teaspoons of coconut powder, and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
- Both partners should shower the night before sleeping, use pleasant scents, and lie on the bed for about ten minutes to relax their nerves. Taking seven deep breaths each and gradually exhaling through the mouth is recommended. Breathe in a way that raises your abdomen.
- It's advisable for the woman to wear silk clothing in various colors on different occasions and use various scents with different fragrances on different parts of her body.
- Men should approach with control and a pleasant fragrance, while women should interact with kindness and tenderness to inspire their partner.
- Together, with calmness and enthusiasm, using beautiful words, they should massage each other and prepare for this activity. Couples can enjoy the full pleasures of lovemaking if they have companionship, friendship, intimacy, and, most importantly, mutual understanding. Without these elements, satisfaction in the relationship will be lacking.
- One gentle movement every thirty seconds can keep the area moist and minimize friction. This is one of the preventive measures against premature ejaculation for men.
- A significant aspect that couples should consider is coordination. The man should be attentive to his partner's preferences and adjust his own positions accordingly.
- The best recommended method is for the man to moisten his organ with a bit of natural honey during penetration to alleviate premature ejaculation. This is contingent upon using natural honey. Natural honey is more effective than any stimulating cream.
- In this state, it's better for the man not to think about any other matters and focus on his partner.
Action-Stop Technique:
This method involves learning to recognize and control the emotions and behaviors that lead an individual to reach the peak of sexual pleasure and experience ejaculation. Although this technique requires willpower and extensive practice, it is among the most effective therapeutic approaches known for treating premature ejaculation.
In this approach, an individual engages in sexual activity, and just before reaching the peak of pleasure, when the stimulation is at its maximum, they stop the activity and refrain from any stimulation for a short period. After a few moments when the sensations subside, they resume the activity. Although this might initially seem challenging, over time, the individual will experience increased sexual pleasure.
After a few days of initial practice, the technique can be repeated in the missionary position, with the man underneath and the woman on top. When the man approaches the point of sexual climax, he informs the woman, who then takes control of the sexual process. According to this method, after several weeks of practice and exercises, an individual reaches a point where controlling the sexual relationship becomes a conditional ability. They can enhance their sexual experience while satisfying their partner by controlling their sexual feelings.
Practice this statement genuinely and repeat it to yourself: You can indeed succeed in sexual manners and bolster your self-confidence.
Pressure Technique:
According to this method, by applying pressure to the tip or head of the genital organ before ejaculation, ejaculation can be prevented. The reason behind this prevention is that by applying pressure to these points, blood pressure decreases, and as a result, ejaculation is delayed. However, try not to use this technique excessively, as it can lead to prostate swelling in the long term. The best approach is to have an empty stomach and maintain nerve calmness.
Increase in Frequency of Intercourse:
Increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse during the week and day can aid in treating premature ejaculation. For instance, if you engage in intercourse twice a week, try to increase it to three or four times a week. After a few weeks, premature ejaculation can be somewhat alleviated. However, we will share a technique with you, dear readers, which can quickly help you overcome premature ejaculation. This method involves the following steps:
After the first sexual encounter and attending to personal hygiene, coordinate with your partner to ensure that ejaculation occurs again. Immediately, about 10 minutes after the first encounter, engage in intercourse for the second time with your partner. You will see that premature ejaculation is eradicated, provided you let go of unfounded fears and anxieties and proceed with composure. This method is a tried-and-true approach that yields excellent results.
Use of Condoms:
Another method to prevent premature ejaculation is the use of condoms. Condoms are not only a means of contraception but also help prevent the transmission of sexual diseases, especially HIV and herpes. Due to the plastic covering of condoms, genital stimulation is reduced, and ejaculation takes longer. However, keep in mind that the use of condoms somewhat depends on the preferences of both partners. Some couples believe that using condoms takes away the natural closeness and makes it feel plastic and numb.
Remember not to use oily substances like Vaseline when using condoms, as there is a risk of them tearing.
Psychological-Emotional Treatments:
One of the best and most effective methods for addressing premature ejaculation and enhancing pleasure in sexual relationships is substituting lovemaking for mere sexual intercourse. It's evident that when lovemaking is present in a sexual relationship and both parties engage in it, premature ejaculation loses its significance. Activities such as caressing and verbal and physical stimulation of the woman before penetration can contribute to this matter. In summary, if couples engage in lovemaking during intercourse, as the sexual satisfaction of both parties increases, premature ejaculation is generally overcome.
Treating Premature Ejaculation through Nutrition:
For individuals suffering from sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, and inadequate ejaculation, it is recommended to include raw white onions in all their meals. The best way is to place a chopped onion at the center of the dining table, as in the past, and use it alongside food. One of the most significant factors affecting premature ejaculation control is dietary habits. Now, let's examine this matter scientifically to precisely identify the effective reason behind the impact of dietary substances on controlling premature ejaculation.
Individuals facing this issue should pay special attention to this section and adhere closely to the scientific and logical recommendations to achieve the desired outcome. Humans are beings made up of physical and spiritual dimensions. In terms of the physical aspect, it should be noted that humans are a collection of various types of cells, a group of which form specific organs and perform specific functions. One of these organs is the human digestive system, which is so important that it can have significant effects on both the physical and spiritual dimensions. This organ plays a very important and effective role in the law of equilibrium, and one of the benefits of this system is the control of premature ejaculation in men.
Primary Cause of Premature Ejaculation: The presence of discomfort and disruption in the functioning of the stomach and liver. These two organs are extremely important; an individual's well-being and vitality depend on their health. Therefore, it's better to avoid factors that cause illness and discomfort to maintain the health of these two organs. The health of these organs translates to vitality and well-being in both spirit and body.
The Best Method for Individuals Who Want to Use Spicy Foods and Spices Mentioned Earlier: Firstly, for a duration of 10 to 15 days, they should consume simple foods and liquids to cleanse the liver. Then, they can proceed with the desired foods and spices to achieve better results.
Combine the Following Ingredients and Consume One Teaspoon of This Mixture in the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening: This mixture has a potent effect on enhancing sexual potency.
- 5Â Grams of Boswellia
- 5 Grams of Black Seeds
- 5 Grams of Brown Sugar
- 5 Grams of Fennel Seeds
- 2.5 Grams of Mastic
Grind all the ingredients and mix them with half a kilogram of honey. Consume one teaspoon of this mixture before bedtime.
Important Factors for Successful Intercourse:
- Having a healthy digestive system and adhering to nutrition guidelines, preferably plant-based and including daily consumption of 5 to 7 tablespoons of wheat germ.
- Using the mentioned mixture three teaspoons in three mealtimes a day.
- Ensuring proper sleep and rest.
- Maintaining hygiene and timing for intimacy.
- Using pleasant scents.
- Considering the partner's well-being and preparing them.
If the methods mentioned in this article are precisely followed, individuals can easily extend the duration of intimacy to 30 to 45 minutes.
To Increase the Duration of Intimacy, Avoid Eating Inappropriate and Unnatural Foods: Such as sausages, hamburgers, pizzas, hot dogs, new fast foods, carbonated beverages, and various colas that decrease sexual potency. Instead, follow this combination:
Boil one tablespoon of ground cinnamon in two glasses of water. After it boils, turn off the heat and sprinkle half a teaspoon of ginger on it. Leave it for ten minutes without disturbing it. Then mix it with honey to your desired level and consume it on an empty stomach in the morning and before sleep.
For Preventing Premature Ejaculation and Enhancing General Body Strength, the Following Method is Recommended:
- Separate the kernels from high-quality dates.
- Mix the dates with a cup of cow's milk.
- Add one or more raw local egg yolks.
- Heat the mixture on low heat and consume it.
- Frequent use of this mixture leads to delayed ejaculation and increased sexual potency.
To Prevent Premature Ejaculation:
- Mix 40 grams of dried mango blossoms with 120 grams of brown sugar.
- Consume one tablespoon daily for 14 days.
Garlic Halva:
Garlic halva has an astonishing effect on enhancing men's sexual potency. It acts as a sexual tonic with remarkable power. Note that this halva is suitable only for individuals with phlegmatic temperament and who tend to have a cold constitution.
To prepare this halva, you will need:
- Fresh and unsprouted garlic cloves (30 or fewer, depending on your need)
- Half a kilogram of sheep's, camel's, or buffalo's milk (do not use other types of milk like cow's or goat's)
- Half a kilogram of animal fat (oil)
- One teaspoon of ground saffron
- One teaspoon of ground cardamom
- One teaspoon of ground cloves
- One kilogram of natural honey
Steps for Preparing Garlic Halva:
- Cut the garlic cloves in half and place them in a suitable container. Add the milk to it.
- Gently heat the container until the milk and garlic are thoroughly mixed, and the milk reduces, leaving a yellowish liquid at the bottom.
- Now add the animal fat (oil) and continue stirring until the ingredients are fully combined.
- Turn off the heat and add honey, continuing to stir for two more minutes.
- In the final step, while the mixture is still warm, immediately add the ground cardamom, saffron, and cloves. Stir until all the ingredients are well mixed.
Now your halva is ready, and you can consume one tablespoon of it every morning or night before intimacy. Maintain this practice for a while to observe its effects.
Keep in mind that this halva generates a significant amount of heat in the body. If you find it difficult to tolerate excessive heat, you can use chicory, common fumitory, or musk willow extract to cool down your body. Mixing these three herbs together and consuming them will yield better and faster results. Additionally, note that this halva is not suitable for individuals with a phlegmatic or bilious temperament.
Brewed poppy petals, cinnamon, as well as black seed, and cooked dried oleaster in olive oil contribute to delaying ejaculation or, in other words, enhancing firmness. Also, the application of henna has been recommended in some ancient texts as it thickens the skin of the genital area.
One of the methods that is currently heavily promoted involves the use of sprays and anesthetics. All of these substances belong to the lidocaine family and are available in various forms such as sprays, creams, and gels in the market. These medications block nerve conduction, preventing the transmission of sensory stimuli from the nerves of the genital area. It's important to note that the use of anesthetics can completely halt nerve conduction in the genital area. As a result, not only does a man not experience any pleasure from intimacy, but he might also lose his sexual desire temporarily and even become unable to ejaculate or engage in intercourse.
Furthermore, be aware that all anesthetic sprays promoted from Arab countries are counterfeit and using them can be dangerous.
Interestingly, these substances are harmful to women as well. They are quickly absorbed through the vaginal mucosa, causing numbness. Consequently, your partner won't derive any pleasure from intercourse, or she may experience delayed satisfaction, yielding an opposite outcome.
Note that Brown Sugar is actually raw sugar that is obtained from the main extract of the sugarcane plant and its sugar percentage is not less than 88%.