The raw plant-based diet can be a method to prevent various illnesses and achieve overall physical and mental wellness and vitality.
Benefits of the Raw Plant-Based Diet
- Body detoxification
- Incurable diseases
- Hormone regulation
- Calming effect for individuals with high body heat
- Stroke prevention
- Stroke recovery
- Treatment for tumors and cancers
- Treatment for cysts
- Treatment for eye diseases
- Treatment for creatinine
- Weight loss and body fitness
- Bright skin and lively appearance
- Deep and comfortable sleep
- Food diversity and escape from malnutrition
- Active mind, sound mental health, and light body
- Relief from constipation and more
15-Day Health Diet
Breakfast Plan for 15 Days
- Carrot Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Apple Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Banana Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Cucumber Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Quince Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- 50 grams of wheat germ + Honey + 10 almonds + Fruit
- Carrot Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Apple Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Banana Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Cucumber Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- 50 grams of wheat germ + Honey + 10 almonds + Fruit
- Mulberry Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Cherry Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Apricot Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup
- Sour Cherry Jam + One glass of Almond Milk or Honey Syrup

Lunch Plan for 15 Days
- Special Salad
- Special Salad
- Special Salad + Five Dates + One Fruit
- Special Salad + Five Dates + One Fruit
- Special Salad + Five Figs + One Fruit
- Special Salad + One Fruit
- Special Salad + Five Dates + One Fruit
- Special Salad + Five Dates + One Fruit
- Special Salad
- Special Salad + One Fruit
- Special Salad
- Special Salad
- Special Salad
- Special Salad + Five Dates + One Fruit
- Special Salad + One Fruit
Dinner Plan for 15 Nights
- 30 Almonds + 10 Figs + 1 Fruit
- 5 Tablespoons of Raw Sesame Seeds + 5 Dates + 1 Fruit
- 10 Cashew + 10 Figs + 1 Fruit
- 7 Dates + 5 Walnuts + 1 Cucumber + 1 Fruit
- 50 Grams of Coconut + 5 Dates + 1 Fruit
- 50 Almonds + 5 Dates + 1 Fruit
- 5 Tablespoons of Raw Sesame Seeds + 5 Dates + 1 Fruit
- 30 Almonds + 5 Dates + 1 Fruit
- 500 Grams of Seasonal Fruit
- 30 Almonds + 10 Figs + 1 Fruit
- 7 Dates + 5 Walnuts + 1 Cucumber + 1 Fruit
- 50 Almonds + 1 Seasonal Fruit
- 300 Grams of Grapes or Other Fruits
- 10 Cashew + 10 Figs + 1 Fruit
- 40 Mixed Nuts (Hazelnuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios) + 10 Figs + 1 Fruit
Important Notes About the 15-Day Health Diet
- Before starting this diet, perform intestinal cleansing by consuming carob and manna of hedysarum tea twice the day before.
- If consumption of the special salad is challenging for you, modify it according to your preferences. Eat what you like, for example: if you prefer lettuce, eat lettuce; if you desire apples, eat apples.
- In this diet, you shouldn't experience hunger throughout the day. Use nectars, salads, nuts, jujubes, etc.. The best practice is to constantly consume honey syrup, even individuals with diabetes can have 5 to 6 dessertspoons of honey syrup per day.
- Consider a season with abundant fruits for the raw plant-based diet.
- If you found the special salad too cooling, you can consume more dates.
- Proper chewing of food is crucial, so for those who have difficulty chewing, you can blend the food.
- You can consume fruits between meal times.
- If the mentioned fruits are not available, you can use other fruits.
- You can interchange meal times with each other.
- For increased vitality, consume 1 to 2 glasses of a mix of fresh apple and lemon juice with a teaspoon of honey, or a mix of apple and celery juice.
- Make use of suitable stretching and exercise during this diet.
- Chew food thoroughly and stop eating before feeling full.
- To alleviate hunger, chew the food more.
- There's no necessity for the foods you consume to be exactly like the items listed above; just stick to raw and plant-based foods.
- If you have diabetes, reduce the number of dates.
- If you have kidney issues, keep the special salad as a fixed meal.
- Consume six glasses of spring water daily.
- Going into nature and supplying your body with oxygen is very important.
- If feeling weak, you can consume a piece of oat bread, especially in the initial days of the diet.
- If you can't handle full raw plant-based eating, you can have one cooked vegetarian meal and two other meals raw.
Cooking Instructions for the Diet
Almond Milk Preparation
Soak 14 almonds in warm water, remove their brown skins, then blend with a glass of water and a tablespoon of honey in a mixer and consume.
Raw Jam Preparation
Grate or finely chop a quantity of seasonal fruits you have available, such as apples, bananas, quince, etc. in a way that they don't release too much juice. Add a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of raw almond powder, a tablespoon of rose water, and a tablespoon of musk willow extract.
The Special Salad Preparation
Combine ingredients such as carrots, lettuce, cucumber, various types of cabbage, herbs (mint, basil, tarragon, parsley, celery stems), wheatgrass sprouts (3 tablespoons), small onions, 10 raw almonds, apple, washed raisins (1 tablespoon), raw sesame seeds with skin (1 tablespoon), pennyroyal (1 tablespoon), fresh lemon, natural olive oil, and sea salt. You can blend or chop them.
Instructions for Using carob and Manna of Hedysarum
Crush the carob, then brew two spoons of the seeds inside the carob with one glass of water. Brew one spoon of manna of hedysarum separately, then strain and add to the carob brew.
Note that carob and manna of hedysarum tea should not be consumed on an empty stomach (consume it between breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
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Jag går med Rawfood i 5år.
Thank you for your inquiry! For a gentle intestinal cleanse, we recommend using cooked carrots in the morning and evening for two days can be a beneficial and tasty way to support your digestive health. If you have any more questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask!
Can you recommend something else instead of manna of hedysarum tea because I can not find it here in Sweden.
Thank you in advance !
Best Regards