Honey: A Natural Remedy Enhanced with Other Ingredients

Honey: A Natural Remedy Enhanced with Other Ingredients

Honey alone has numerous health benefits, but when combined with other ingredients, it can have specific therapeutic effects.

In recent years, scientists have conducted extensive research to determine which types of honey are beneficial for specific ailments. Their goal is to understand which compounds are beneficial to our bodies, with the hope of replicating these compounds to produce better medicines for everyone. Numerous clinical studies can help us identify the specific nutrients we need under certain conditions.

What is Honey?

Honey is a substance produced by bees, meaning that all types of honey have a generally similar composition. Perhaps the most important components of honey are the enzymes that bees add to the collected nectar from flowers. These enzymes are consistent across all honey varieties, which is why honey, regardless of its type, is beneficial for our health. Honey is rich in minerals and antioxidants, contributing significantly to maintaining good health. While honey alone offers numerous health benefits, its effects can be enhanced when combined with other substances.
Understanding the properties of honey and its various types is essential for maximizing its health benefits.
Learn more about honey and its benefits!

honey combinations to boost therapeutic properties

1- Benefits of Honey and Black Seed

The combination of honey and Nigella sativa or black seed has been shown to have several beneficial effects on health. This combination can enhance immune system function, support weight loss, and improve hair shine and health. Additionally, it can aid in treating ovarian dysfunction, reduce skin blemishes, acne, scars, and rashes, and support individuals with diabetes. It may also boost libido and male fertility while improving digestive health and reducing body inflammation. Both honey and Nigella sativa are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, which contribute to their anti-inflammatory and overall health-promoting properties.

The mixture, known as "Dosin," contains various powerful antioxidant compounds such as thymoquinone, polyphenols, flavonoids, and pinostrobin antioxidants. These strong antioxidant compounds can reduce inflammation and lower the risk of disease. Additionally, these compounds are potent antioxidants that help reduce free radicals in the body.

Preparation of Black Seed and Honey Mixture
To prepare this mixture, you can combine 3 parts honey with 1 part ground black seeds. Grinding the black seeds helps release its oil and enhances the properties of the mixture.


  • The black seeds should be crushed or ground to ensure that it can be absorbed by the body.
  • The black seeds and honey mixture should not be stored for long periods; prepare it in quantities as needed.
  • The honey used in the mixture should be natural and pure. The benefits mentioned below apply to high-quality, natural and real honey combined with black seeds. Fake honeys do not provide these benefits.
  • In the black seed and honey mixture, honey acts as a carrier, while the primary effects are provided by the black seed.
honey with black seed

2- Benefits of Honey and Ajowan caraways

To treat a bruise under the skin, mix Ajowan caraways powder with honey and apply it as a poultice to injured area.

3- Benefits of Honey and Warm Water

Two hours before breakfast and lunch, and three hours after dinner, drink a glass of warm water with one tablespoon of honey dissolved in it. It is said that honey helps soothe mucositis of the digestive tract, reduce pain intensity, and alleviate burning sensations and vomiting.

4- Benefits of Honey and Garlic

To utilize honey and garlic, combine one crushed garlic bulb (8 to 10 cloves) with the juice of one lemon and 2 teaspoons of honey. Take this mixture twice daily, 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. This combination can be used to combat colds and flu, detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, and address various other health issues.

5- Benefits of Honey and Onion

To prepare this remedy, boil one large onion in 400 milliliters of water until the volume of water is reduced by half. After cooling, remove the onion and add 100 grams of honey to the water. This mixture has soothing, purifying properties and can inhibit bacterial growth in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Use this honey-onion mixture by taking 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

The honey-onion mixture is known to treat asthma, as confirmed by some international studies. Practically, consuming a tablespoon of onion juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey every 3 hours has been shown to be effective. This mixture is highly effective in clearing mucus from the respiratory passages, which can alleviate symptoms of shortness of breath and asthma attacks.
Onions possess advanced antioxidant, apoptotic, and cytotoxic properties. Both honey and onions contain active components that can influence the progression of carcinogens. A study has confirmed the efficacy of honey and onion mixture in cancer treatment. Additionally, this remedy is beneficial for treating influenza, colds, digestive issues, fever, and oral and throat infections.

Honey and Onion Juice
Wash 1 kilogram of onions and extract their juice using a juicer.
Mix this onion juice thoroughly with 300 grams of honey and store the mixture in the refrigerator.
For one month, consume 150 grams of this mixture daily, in 50-gram portions before each of the three main meals, then stop using the mixture for one week.
This mixture is effective in improving blood circulation, especially in the legs, and can help alleviate varicose veins.
Do not use this mixture in patients with diabetes, gastritis, stomach ulcers, or duodenal ulcers. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of one week.

honey and onion

6- Benefits of Honey and Aloe Vera

Use an aloe vera plant (at least three years old) and harvest 750 grams of its leaves. Extract the gel from the leaves, wash and chop it, and place it in a jar.
Add 1250 grams of honey to the jar and mix well.
Then, add 500 milliliters of lemon juice and stir the mixture again.
Seal the jar and let the mixture sit for 5 days in a dry, cool place or in the refrigerator to allow the ingredients to blend. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.
For one month, consume 3 tablespoons of this mixture daily, with 1 tablespoon before each main meal, and then discontinue use for one month.
This remedy acts as a general tonic for the body and stimulates the nervous and endocrine systems. It is recommended for fatigue, poor appetite, and recovery from infectious and communicable diseases. However, it should not be used by individuals with diabetes, obesity, or allergic conditions.

7- Benefits of Honey and Banana

The combination of honey and banana is rich in antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium, which are highly beneficial for heart health and can help reduce blood pressure.
The antioxidants in honey and bananas promote the production of dopamine and catechins, significantly reducing the risk of heart disease. This mixture also has a positive effect on male fertility and sexual health. For individuals with a history of kidney stones, it can potentially reduce the risk of developing them by up to 50%.
The honey and banana mixture, with its antiviral properties, can help treat chronic colds and influenza. Bananas contain probiotic bacteria that are effective for calcium absorption in the body. To maintain strong bones throughout life, incorporating this honey and banana mixture into your diet is recommended.

8- Honey and Melon

It is said that if you eat melon and honey together, they can react in your stomach, creating something hard and tough to digest. This can cause tummy troubles, like really bad bellyaches. So, it's best to avoid eating those two together.

avoid honey and melon together!

9- Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon contain antioxidants and antibacterial properties, which can aid in improving the digestive system and combating various stomach diseases. They may also be beneficial for gut health. Regular consumption can strengthen your immune system and protect you from environmental bacteria and viruses.

10- Benefits of Honey and Turmeric

Turmeric and honey offer a range of health benefits, including their ability to treat kidney inflammation, improve brain health, and reduce diabetes. Turmeric is a well-known herbal medicine and spice renowned for its high antioxidant power. When combined with honey, this potent duo acts as a powerful aid in combating various diseases and significantly helps in detoxifying the body. They also provide benefits such as strengthening hair roots and the scalp, treating stomach ulcers, joint pain, vaginal infections, wounds, coughs, fatty liver, and promoting weight loss. By modifying dietary patterns and substituting processed foods with natural and organic alternatives, you can enhance the benefits of these remedies.

11- Honey and Sugar

The combination of sugar and honey can act as an exfoliant for the lips. Sugar is naturally abrasive, while honey is a natural moisturizer. This mixture can help lighten and plump the lips. To use, combine one teaspoon of honey with two teaspoons of sugar to create a paste. Clean your lips and apply the paste. Wait for it to dry, then remove it with a damp cloth. You can also add rose water or olive oil to this mixture.

12- Benefits of Honey and Tahini

When consumed with honey, tahini (sesame paste) can enhance sexual vigor and improve sexual function. It helps soften abscesses and purulent wounds, alleviate bone pain, and relieve muscle and joint pain. Tahini and honey are a remarkable remedy for liver and kidney disorders and can boost the immune system. Additionally, they are beneficial for improving learning abilities and enhancing memory in children.

honey with tahini

13- Benefits of Honey and Natural Apple Cider Vinegar

This combination can act as a powerful antibiotic, helping to prevent conditions such as diarrhea, epigastric pain, nausea, and bloating. It can also cleanse the throat and esophagus of microbes and bacteria that might cause inflammation and pain. Additionally, this mixture can be used as a mouthwash

14- Benefits of Honey and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The mixture of honey and olive oil is an excellent combination for skin and hair. It can be used as a facial mask to remove dead skin cells and provide skincare with strong exfoliating properties. For the hair, this blend can help eliminate dandruff, itching, and unpleasant odors.

Youth Elixir: Mix one tablespoon of natural vinegar, two tablespoons of honey, and four tablespoons of olive oil. Consume one tablespoon of this mixture each night and observe the remarkable effects.

15- Benefits of Honey and Lemon Juice

Consuming a mixture of lemon juice and honey first thing in the morning stimulates the digestive system, hydrates the colon, and helps prevent constipation. This combination also acts as a diuretic, cleansing the urinary tract and eliminating urinary infections. Additionally, it improves digestion. The benefits of lemon and honey are numerous, ranging from fat burning and detoxification to enhancing skin and hair health. These remarkable properties, derived from nature, rejuvenate both body and soul.

16- Benefits of Honey and Organic Salt

Using a mixture of honey and salt for diabetic wound healing can be highly beneficial. Honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties that promote new cell growth and accelerate wound healing. Salt helps neutralize bacteria and prevent infection, aiding in the eradication of wounds and infections.

honey and salt

17- Benefits of Honey and Ginger

One of the key benefits of ginger and honey is their anti-inflammatory properties, which help open the respiratory passages and soothe the throat. Honey contributes to pain relief, making this combination effective for relieving severe coughs, colds, and flu symptoms by soothing the throat and reducing coughing.

This mixture is also highly effective for relieving toothache. Thanks to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties, it combats oxidative stress (an imbalance between free radical activity and antioxidants) and protects the body.

Additional benefits of honey and ginger include:

✓Maintaining blood sugar balance
✓Providing energy
✓ Helping to reduce phlegm
✓Increasing breast milk production
✓Relieving menstrual pain
✓Enhancing blood circulation for improved sexual vitality
✓Having calming effects
✓Promoting better sleep and treating insomnia.

18 - Benefits of Honey and Thyme

Garden Thyme tea, whether consumed with a spoonful of honey or without, is an excellent home remedy for ear, throat, and nasal issues, including colds, rhinitis, sinusitis, and tonsillitis. Garden thyme helps treat various types of coughs and respiratory problems and is a valuable remedy for asthma and whooping cough. The combination of honey and thyme is effective in treating respiratory infections as an expectorant, improving coughs and spasms, and soothing throat inflammation.

Combining honey, thyme, and lemon is considered a miraculous remedy for treating numerous diseases and infections. This infusion is beneficial for strengthening the immune system, freshening breath, aiding in weight loss, and preventing kidney stones. The thyme, lemon, and honey tea is widely used for treating sore throats and coughs caused by colds.

In 2018, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Public Health England (PHE) revised their guidelines, recommending that honey should be suggested to patients with mild coughs and colds before considering antibiotics.

19- Benefits of Honey and Saffron

Honey, due to its amino acids, helps improve sleep patterns and promotes restful sleep by aiding the brain. Saffron, on the other hand, enhances overall vitality, contributing to better sleep quality. Combining these two can lead to more restful and higher-quality sleep throughout the night. Additionally, a mixture of honey and saffron serves as an excellent facial mask for skin clarity and softness. This facial mask has hydrating properties and can soften dry skin.

Benefits of honey and saffron include:

  • Enhancing vision
  • Increasing sexual desire in men
  • Boosting sexual health in women
  • Strengthening the stomach
  • Cleansing the intestines
  • Fat burning
  • Regulating meal timings and reducing food cravings
  • Clearing inflammation and excess mucus from the body
  • Improving heart health
  • Balancing the respiratory system
  • Enhancing the nervous system
  • Boosting brain function
  • Acting as an antidepressant during pregnancy
honey and saffron

20- Honey and Glycerin

To treat bruises and contusions, mix equal parts of honey and glycerin and apply the mixture to the affected area. This can help speed up the healing process.

21- Honey and Vaseline

A combination of honey and Vaseline is commonly used as a moisturizer and emollient for the skin. This mixture has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and hydrating properties, making it beneficial for soothing and treating dry, tired, and damaged skin. It can also be used as a natural remedy for certain skin issues, such as itching, inflammation, and minor burns. However, it is advisable to perform a small patch test on a small area of skin before applying it extensively to ensure there are no adverse reactions or sensitivities.

Honey and Vaseline

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