kohl eye makeup, Natural black kohl powder, 4 nuts kohl eyeliner, Organic kohl powder, Traditional brass kohl container, Kohl stick applicator

Magic of Kohl: Benefits, Types, and How to Choose the Right One

Unraveling the mysteries of kohl, from ancient remedy to modern must-have! This guide helps you choose the perfect kohl and kohl container for your needs, discover its benefits for dry eyes, and learn to tell natural kohl from the rest.

Table of Contents

Around 3500 BC, Egyptian queens adorned their eyes with kohl made from plants, animal horns, bones, etc. They believed kohl served as a guardian against diseases, and darkening around the eyes would protect one from the harsh rays of the sun.

kohl used by Egyptian queens, Traditional eye makeup, Traditional kohl for smokey eyes

In contemporary times, natural kohl eyeliner has seen a decline in popularity among women. Instead, individuals commonly opt for a variety of eyeliners or eye pencils when engaging in eye makeup practices. Although these alternatives may yield noticeable cosmetic effects, they frequently come with a higher risk of adverse consequences. Conversely, organic kohl eyeliner, endowed with numerous benefits, emerges as a potentially more judicious choice for enhancing the aesthetics of the eyes.

It is believed that anyone who applies kohl at night and sleeps with it, as long as it doesn't contain fragrance or musk, will be protected from eye ailments until the time they use this kohl. It is also said that if you experience visual weakness, you should apply antimony kohl seven times before going to bed.

Those who wear glasses, if they apply antimony kohl every night for a year while sleeping, will discard their glasses after a year. 

Eye Temperament

The temperament of a healthy eye is warm and moist with visible veins in the white and a reddish tinge. In contrast, eyes with cold temperament may have less visible veins, appear pale, and feel cool.

If there is excessive moisture in the eye, yellowish substances accumulate around the eye, tears flow abundantly, and the person may have large and watery eyes.

Dry eyes, on the other hand, are usually small, with no accumulation of yellow substances around the eye, no tears, and ipushes the eyes deeper into the sockets, resulting in a sunken appearance.

How is kohl made?

Eye kohl is produced in two forms: natural and industrial.

  1. In the natural type, it is made by burning plants or using animal fats. Materials such as litharge, date pits, or silk were historically used in making kohl. Kohl can be a combination of various plants and nuts. For example, a combination of sweet almond, hazelnut, date seed, and myrobalan is one of the most esteemed kohl recipes.
  1. The Second category, industrial: This type is manufactured in industrial companies and is produced in the form of pencils. Although they are easier to use, their presence of toxic metals can be harmful to the eyes.

What are the benefits of pure and natural kohl?

Natural kohl possesses numerous beneficial properties. It is interesting to note that in traditional medicine, specific types of kohl are recommended for various ailments. For individuals experiencing continuous tear loss, silk kohl is suggested. Those experiencing a stye (hordeolum) or eye inflammations frequently turn to kohl made from litharge for relief.

If you are dealing with the loss of eyebrows or eyelashes, it is advisable to use kohl made from four nut (almond, pistachio, hazelnut and walnut) or almond kohl.

For delicate eyelashes and eyebrows, using kohl made from date pits is preferable.

Kohl Benefits for Eyes

  • Strengthens the eyes and improves vision.
  • Kohl helps preventing and treating conditions like blepharitis, trachoma, cataract, conjunctivitis.
  • Relieves watery eyes.
  • Prevents eye bleeding.
  • Filling in your eyebrows with high-quality kohl can strengthen the hair.
  • Try using organic four nut kohl as a natural mascara alternative. It will promote the strengthening and lengthening of eyelashes.

Important Note:

The mentioned benefits for kohl will only be achieved when using genuine four nut kohl or the ithmid kohl stone or antimony. The low-cost kohls available in the market not only lack any beneficial properties but can also be harmful to the eyes.

natural kohl, Natural black kohl powder, 4 nuts kohl eyeliner, Organic kohl powder

The best type of kohl

Surma or kohl comes in various types, and the best type is the stone kohl or ithmid kohl made from antimony. Antimony kohl is the most famous and oldest type of kohl in use, and it is the same kohl known as Makkah kohl. Ithmid stone is typically obtained from Makkah.

However, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of kohl?

The Medicinal Effects of Ithmid Kohl on the Eye

Some of the benefits of this kohl include:

  • Preventing glaucoma: Ancestral beliefs suggest that this kohl helps eliminate glaucoma.
  • Removing dirt and impurities: Applying kohl assists in removing impurities from the eyes through tear glands.
  • Vision enhancement: The use of natural kohl is said to enhance vision due to its vitamins and minerals.
  • Applying kohl and proper nutrition contribute to strengthening the eyes and improving vision.
  • Using Ithmid kohl imparts a pleasant fragrance to the body.
  • It strengthens eyelashes and promotes hair growth.
  • Stop the flow of tears (excess tears).
  • Make the mouth fragrant because ithmid expels phlegm through the mouth.

Disadvantages of Ithmid Stone Kohl

  • This kohl is not black; it has a gray color. Consequently, its level of darkness is lower compared to other kohls.
  • Rough texture: Stone kohl has some roughness, unlike other kohls, and this rough sensation and texture may not be pleasant for some individuals.

How to Apply Kohl?

To apply kohl, insert the kohl stick into the kohl container and gently apply it to your eyes.

Start at the inner eye and draw out the wand along the lash line towards the outer edge of your eye. Use as few strokes as possible; try to do it in one move if possible. Create a straight line along the lower lash line. Pull down the skin under your eye and press the wand or brush to your inner eye.

Repeat this process until you achieve the desired darkness. After each use, shake the applicator. You can also rinse the applicator to reduce contamination.

It is recommended to use ithmid kohl before going to bed. Start applying the kohl from the right eye and finish with the same right eye. It was said that it should be applied an odd number of times to one eye and an even number of times to the other, so that the total number will be odd. Applying kohl in an odd number of times is beneficial.

Kohl can be used by both women and men. Since kohl has no substance that would hinder water, it doesn't impede the ablution.

Recommended times for applying kohl

  • Before sexual intercourse
  • During sleep
  • At night
  • On festive days
kohl eye pencil, Herbal black kohl, Long-lasting kohl eyeliner, Traditional eye makeup, Smudge-proof natural kohl

Is the material of kohl container important?

The material of the kohl container is important. Kohl containers come in various materials such as stone, metal, and wood. Historically, wooden kohl containers have been considered the best and most popular.

Because wood fibers inside the kohl container absorb impurities, you receive pure kohl without dust on the kohl stick. Wooden kohl containers are crafted with electric lathes, finely polished, and should be checked for an untreated kohl stick.

Brass kohl containers are antimicrobial and antibacterial, and their use is particularly recommended for ithmid kohl.

brass kohl container, Kohl stick applicator

    The correlation between Meibomianitis and the application of kohl

    Meibomianitis, also recognized as Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), involves blockage or other irregularities in the Meibomian glands. This results in dysfunction of the Meibomian glands situated within the eyelids, causing inadequate secretion of the necessary eye oil. As tears on the surface of the eyes evaporate quickly due to direct exposure to air and other factors, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is associated with dry eye syndrome. Furthermore, this condition is connected to an eyelid issue known as blepharitis.

    This condition has other names, one of which is "Meibomianitis." Dysfunction of the Meibomian gland of the eye is one of the most common eye problems that you may not have heard of until now. Meibomian refers to a specific type of gland in the eyelids. There are approximately 25 to 40 Meibomian glands in the upper eyelid and 20 to 30 in the lower eyelid. The function of these glands is to secrete oil onto the surface of the eye. These oils help prevent rapid evaporation of tears from the surface of the eye, consequently preventing dry eyes.

    Causes of Meibomian Blepharitis

    • Aging plays a significant role in the function of Meibomian eye glands.
    • During aging , the number of meibomian glands gradually decreases Aging is a known risk factor for MGD.
    • In addition to age, individuals' ethnicity and race also play a role in the occurrence of this disease. For instance, the likelihood of developing blepharitis in Asians is approximately three times higher than in Europeans.
    • Besides the mentioned factors, the use of contact lenses can significantly increase the likelihood of developing this condition.
    • Some treatments and medications can also disrupt the secretion of oil from the Meibomian eye glands.
    • Use of eye cosmetics: The use of eye cosmetics is another factor contributing to meibomian blepharitis. Eyeliner and other cosmetic products can lead to the closure of meibomian glands, causing this eye disorder. This issue is more likely to occur when you don't thoroughly clean your eyelashes after applying makeup or fail to remove facial cosmetics before going to bed.

    Home remedies for dry eyes

    • Lifestyle modification
    • Adequate sleep (avoid staying up too late, insufficient sleep, or excessive sleep)
    • Proper nutrition and consumption of water-rich foods that help you stay hydrated
    • Avoid eating or taking salty, dry, and spicy foods
    • Limit prolonged staring at electronic devices
    • Use artificial tears and a humidifier (a humidifier can potentially help with dry eye by adding moisture to the air and reducing the evaporation of tears.)
    • Gentle massage of the forehead, eyebrows, and around the eyes with oils like sweet almond, lavender-infused almond, or pumpkin oil
    • Apply the quince seeds mucilage onto the face as a mask or use thin cucumber slices. (Soaking fruit seeds in water produces mucilage, similar to basil, and chia seeds, which has anti-inflammatory properties.)
    • Eye Exercise
    • Wash your eyes with chicory water
    • Apply four-nut kohl (although this method receives less attention today, its effects become more apparent day by day for individuals with the condition. The natural effects of organic and pure kohl for treating dry eyes are truly remarkable.)
    treatment with kohl, Traditional kohl for smokey eyes, Non-toxic black kohl powder, Eco-friendly eyeliner powder

    Types of Kohl

    1. Ithmid Kohl

    This stone is extracted from the mines around Makkah, India, Kermanshah, Ilam, Afghanistan, China, and other regions. Immerse the kohl stone in water for 40 days, consistently changing the water every two to three days. After forty days, remove the stone from the water, dry it, and grind it into a powder. Store this powder in a kohl container for use. The preparation of this type of kohl requires more time compared to other types of kohl.

    2. Kohl made from Cow Bone Marrow

    To prepare kohl from cow bone marrow, start by breaking the cow bone and extracting the marrow. Place the marrow in a container, then apply a strip or piece of cloth over it in a way that part of it is inside the oil, and part of it is outside. Ignite it using a match or lighter, allowing it to smoke. Next, position a metal container or similar above it, letting the smoke, produced by burning the oil and adhering to the metal container, create the kohl. Once finished and extinguished, scrape off the adhered smoke from the container, store it inside a kohl container, and utilize the obtained kohl. 

    3. White Kohl

    Another type of eye kohl is known as white kohl. White kohl is composed of a mixture of white pepper, long pepper, and Ammonium chloride. Grind 6.5 grams of white pepper and long pepper each, along with 3.25 grams of Ammonium chloride. After grinding, sieve the mixture and apply three times in each eye, allowing it to stay for an hour. Due to its pungency, it removes the whiteness from the eyes, smoothens the eye's flesh, and provides relief from discomfort. After applying white kohl to the eyes, it can be washed off with cold water, followed by using antimony. 

    4. Jujube Kohl

    To prepare jujube kohl, start by grinding jujube with its seeds. Place them under the sunlight for a while until completely dry. After drying, grind them again and sieve the mixture. Jujube kohl is described as a dark brownish-yellow. The application of these different types of kohl may have specific benefits for the eyes. Jujube kohl is known for treating cataract.

    5. Camphor Kohl

    To prepare camphor kohl, finely grind camphor, Aloes, and myrrh. After grinding, it is ready for use. It is used for treating eye pain, and its color is brown.

    6. Four-Nut Kohl

    Four-nut kohl, derived from the kernels of almond, hazelnut, pistachio, and walnut, promotes the growth of eyelashes, resulting in black color. Nowadays, many cosmetics vendors offer eyeliners and mascaras instead of traditional and natural kohl, claiming their products provide excellent blackness and various other benefits. However, for the enhancement of eyes, lashes, and brows, and to stimulate their growth and darkness.

    Click here to purchase four-nut kohl now!

    7. Kohl from Almond or Hazelnut Kernels

    Spread a portion of hazelnuts and almonds on a flame spreader after peeling them. Then, hold a metal container, like a tray, at a slight distance above the flame spreader . As the kernels burn completely over time, they will produce smoke. Scrape off the resulting smoke on the tray after the kernels have burned completely, using a knife or a sharp object, and transfer it to a container prepared for storing the kohl.

    8. Black Kohl Pencil

    Prepared from the powder of pistachio, almond, hazelnut, walnut, etc.


    • Improves vision
    • Prevents eye diseases
    • Strengthens and promotes eyelash growth
    • Softens eye muscles
    • Facilitates blood circulation
    • Prevents excessive tearing
    • Freshens breath

    Click here to purchase!

    9. َAzure Kohl Pencil

    Prepared with beeswax, balfarol oil, and natural color, processed from Hormoz island minerals. This kohl is free from chemical additives and artificial colors. It is very soft with high absorption, cost-effective, easy to use, and has a warm temperament.


    • Prevents skin diseases
    • Strengthens and promotes eyelash growth
    • Prevents excessive tearing
    • It is used as an eyeliner.

    10- Sharpenable Black Kohl Pencil

    Made from the powder of pistachio, almond, hazelnut, walnut, etc.


    • Improves vision
    • Prevents eye diseases
    • Strengthens and promotes eyelash growth
    • Softens eye muscles
    • Facilitates blood circulation
    • Prevents excessive tearing
    • Freshens breath, and more.
    kohl eyeliner, Best natural kohl eyeliner, Herbal black kohl, Long-lasting kohl eyeliner, Traditional eye makeup

    Why should we use kohl?

    Kohl has been used since ancient times to prevent and treat eye diseases, darken the eyelids, and beautify the eyes and eyelashes. One of the reasons for its use, especially in geographical areas with a lot of sunlight, is to prevent the reflection of sunlight. In fact, its effect on reducing the reflection of light and ultraviolet rays can be considered similar to that of sunglasses.

    Using kohl protects the eyes from microbial contamination, relieves eye pain and fatigue.

    It is recommended for everyone, both men and women of all ages, to use kohl to protect their eyes from the waves of television, mobile phones, etc.

    Kohl Quality Control

    Once you've learned about its benefits, when buying kohl, start by applying it to your hand and then wash the applied area with water. If you still see a black line after washing, you can conclude that it is natural. If it completely washes off, you know it's not natural and may be harmful to your eyes. Genuine kohl is challenging to remove, even with water and soap. In contrast, chemical kohls are easily washed off. Our suggestion is to use natural kohls made from the nuts (pistachio, almond, hazelnut, walnut).


    kohl containers, kohl container with stick, traditional, floralflo

    Research on Kohl

    In a study investigating the antimicrobial effects of antimony (kohl) on five types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria related to eye diseases in a laboratory setting, it was found that antimony has the capability to eliminate the Bacillus subtilis bacterium. The use of kohl includes muscle relaxation, improving blood circulation, and addressing presbyopia. The fats present in a four-nut kohl rich in nutrients, also prevent internal eye bleeding.

    Natural Kohl not only prevents dark circles and puffy eyes but also addresses issues like cataracts and glaucoma. It enhances muscle endurance, provides essential elements for eye cell health, promotes eyelash growth, and prevents their loss.

    External Sources

    Do you know of any other benefits or uses for kohl? Let us know in the comments!

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