In this article we go through the fact that the temperament of yogurt is cold and moist, and the presence of lactic acid in it, can pose risks if certain conditions are not observed. In addition, the harms of consuming food with yogurt.
Yogurt is often produced from the milk of cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats, and other domesticated animals.
Yogurt is obtained by fermenting the milk sugar called lactose. Special bacteria used in yogurt production convert lactose into lactic acid and give yogurt a gel-like texture. Due to the presence of lactic acid, yogurt has a tangy and sour taste.
To prepare yogurt, you need to introduce specific bacteria into pasteurized milk. The temperature of the milk (40 to 46 degrees Celsius) and environmental conditions are crucial for yogurt preparation. These bacteria break down the sugar in milk and produce lactic acid. Due to the presence of this acid, the milk's pH decreases, and the proteins in the milk solidify into a mass.
Usually, a combination of several bacteria, including Streptococcus salivarius, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bacillus citrovorus, and Streptococcus diacetylactis, is used. If yogurt obtained after the fermentation process is not heated to kill the bacteria, it is sold as yogurt with live and active cultures, and many people believe it has very high nutritional value.
Of course, usually, yogurt is pasteurized after preparation to kill the bacteria present in it. Pasteurized yogurt can be stored for several months, even outside the refrigerator. Fans of these two types of yogurt each try to demonstrate the differences in nutritional content through various research and point out the shortcomings of each.
Yogurts that are not pasteurized after preparation contain enzymes to break down lactose. Therefore, individuals with lactose sensitivity have found that after consuming this type of yogurt, they no longer experience the problems they typically encounter when consuming dairy products.
The calcium present in milk and yogurt is not absorbed!
The recommended use of this amount of calcium today, is not logical. Using three cups of milk per day, equivalent to 1000 milligrams of calcium per day, of which 900 milligrams are excreted through feces and 100 milligrams through urine. So, the question that arises is: How much of the calcium that is consumed is actually absorbed?
If you want to know if milk and yogurt are equal to calcium, Click here.
Types of Yogurt
Yogurts are usually sold as sweet and sometimes as sour, with various flavors.
Fruit yogurt is prepared by adding different fruits, not only creating different yogurt flavors but also reducing the sour taste.
Creamy yogurt (Greek yogurt) is made by mixing milk with cream to bring the milk fat content up to 10 percent. This type of yogurt is often consumed with honey as a dessert.
Shallot Yogurt is prepared from yogurt with finely chopped shallots. Sometimes, they even mix it with finely chopped herbs to create different yogurt flavors.
Strained yogurt is made by draining regular yogurt through cloth sieves.
Cucumber & Yogurt (Mast-o'khiar, a Persian cucumber and herb yogurt) It's a type of yogurt in which after thinning the strained yogurt with a little water, they mix it, and then add cucumbers, mint, and garlic to the yogurt. They season it with salt and pepper and mix it as well. Typically, it is garnished with dried mint and Damask rose petals.
Spar yogurt is a type of local and traditional yogurt made with a combination of yogurt, salt, and seeds of medicinal plants such as cloves, fenugreek, nigella sativa, and more. The seeds are roasted, and the mixture stored in specific containers (Waterskins) to produce Spar yogurt. This product may be known by different names and compositions in various regions and may be part of local culture or culinary traditions.

Harmful Effects of Yogurt
Nocturnal enuresis in children, premature ejaculation in men, severe menstrual pain in women, nervousness, acne, hair loss, bone fragility, epilepsy, arthritis, rheumatism, weakened immune system, constipation, nervousness, depression, hair loss, dandruff, sweaty hands and feet.
- Instead of yogurt, use the vegetables and herbs
- Mix strained yogurt with pennyroyal, ajwain seeds, shallot and ziziphora, and eat it. Make sure the yogurt is made from the goats, sheep, and cattle that are grazed throughout the canyons and plains of the desert.
- Children who are very fond of yogurt should not be given yogurt at all; they may experience brain discomforts.
- People who sweat on their hands and feet should avoid tea and yogurt.
- To reduce fear and anxiety, children should avoid yogurt and sour foods and pickles .
- According to Traditional medicine principles, a high percentage of patients with bone fragility or low body calcium usually have deposits of phlegm and consequently have problems with trembling and weakness in the hands and feet. Therefore, it is recommended that these individuals avoid eating cheese, milk, and yogurt.
- Yogurt also affects sexual desire. Consuming yogurt increases pleasure and sexual desire in those with warm temperament, but for those with a cold temperament, consuming yogurt gives them a feeling of lethargy, reduces their energy, and decreases sexual desire in cold-tempered individuals.
Harmful Effects of Pasteurized Milk and Yogurt, as quoted by Professor Khodadadi:
I've discussed 32 diseases related to yogurt, and I've lectured for 10 hours. We said that when a child consumes yogurt (referring to pasteurized yogurt), the child may become more hyperactive. I asked, what does it mean for a child to be hyperactive? For example, someone who eats yogurt sleeps for 4 hours, and they can no longer concentrate on a 30-minute research task.
Now, milk, milk typically contains a sugar called lactose. Adults do not have the enzyme lactase, so they may experience nausea, diarrhea, or constipation when they consume it. Recently, they've produced low-lactose milks, which don't have these issues. We're not saying milk and yogurt are bad. If you go to a mountain village where sheep only graze on wild grass, you can enjoy the milk, but consume less yogurt. You can even add some mint, pennyroyal, salt, and shallot to it, and it's fine. But if you eat pasteurized milk and get nervous, well, what does yogurt do? One-fourth of yogurt is lactic acid.
What does lactic acid do?
It creates acidity in your body, which activates two parts of your body. One is the lungs, which cause you to pant to expel the hydrogen, and the other is your kidneys, which become exhausted to remove this acidic state from yogurt. Well, what problems does it create in the brain? It reduces the activity of brain neurons.
Harms of un-strained yogurt
Today, eating yogurt with meals has become a habit for many people. However, it should be known that the nature of yogurt is cold and moist, and it produces a lot of lactic acid. Yogurt that is not strained has a lot of coldness in its water. Strained yogurt has less coldness and moistness.
Harmful effects of excessive consumption of Unstrained yogurt:
- Bone fragility and osteoporosis.
- Nocturnal enuresis in children.
- Constipation.
- Nervousness and mental discomfort.
- Epilepsy (for those with a cold temperament).
- Excessive sweating.
- Allergies.
- Excessive sweating (palms, armpits, feet).
- Arthritis.
- Rheumatism.
- Weakens the body's immune system.
- Creates bone spurs in the heel or Achilles tendon, making it difficult to sit on a chair.
Try to use vegetables and herbs instead of yogurt. If you prefer yogurt, use strained yogurt with some salt, ajwain seeds, pennyroyal or spearmint, ziziphora and shallot powder in small quantities.
The Temperament of Yogurt and Reformers of yogurt:
Yogurt has a cold and moist temperament, but strained yogurt has less coldness compared to regular yogurt. The more sour yogurt is, the cooler its temperament becomes. Consuming yogurt is suitable and has medicinal effects for lean individuals with a hot and dry temperament. However, for individuals with a cold and moist temperament, it may lead to undesirable symptoms.
It is better for people with a cold temperament to consume less yogurt and have it with condiments such as ajwain seeds, pennyroyal, Damask rose petals, shallot, and mint. These individuals should avoid consuming yogurt with foods that have a cold temperament, such as fish, spinach, and pickles.
Black Kashk
If you boil yogurt, it turns into black kashk, which is the worst substance for bone fragility and the worst medicine for women experiencing uterine pain. If young women consume regular yogurt, they may experience severe pain.
People who should avoid consuming yogurt and buttermilk for a while:
- Individuals with decreased memory.
- Those with gastrointestinal diseases, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), should avoid yogurt and buttermilk, especially if they have a cold temperament. Consuming yogurt, especially sour yogurt, can lead to stomach inflammation and heartburn (avoid sour yogurt if it causes acidity).
- People with hemorrhoids should strictly avoid consuming milk and dairy products during their illness because it produces flatulence and creates intestinal gas, leading to undesirable bowel movements in patients.
- Individuals who experience excessive salivation during sleep.
- Patients suffering from joint pain and swelling.
- People whose joints are aggravated by cold weather and experience increased joint pain.
- During menstruation, the cervix opens and becomes cooler. Consuming dairy products, which have a cold temperament , can disrupt the body's blood flow, leading to reduced bleeding in some women. Reduced bleeding can lead to blood remaining inside the body, causing chest pain and flatulence. Dairy products, including yogurt, buttermilk, milk, butter, cheese, and dairy products in general, have a cold temperament. Therefore, it's advisable to avoid them during this period.
Who is yogurt good for?
Yogurt is beneficial for individuals with warm temperament and those with a bilious temperament. If these individuals consume non-fat yogurt and buttermilk, it is better for them.
It is also helpful for individuals who experience dryness and bitterness in the mouth.
You can eat yogurt in the form of strained yogurt, with added ajwain seeds pennyroyal, shallot and ziziphora. Make sure the yogurt is made from animals that have been fed in the desert.
Disadvantages of eating yogurt with food
The main purpose of eating food is to utilize its nutrients and facilitate their absorption. However, some eating habits work against this goal. For example, there are certain foods that should not be consumed with yogurt, as improper combinations and consuming certain foods together can reduce nutrient absorption.
Consuming yogurt or buttermilk together with meat can indeed reduce the body's absorption of iron. When meat and dairy products are eaten together, it results in a significant intake of calcium and iron. However, the absorption of these minerals is lower than their presence in the food and the body, leading to a significantly reduced absorption of these nutrients.
Additionally, it's important to note that eating meat and dairy products together can lead to food spoilage in the stomach. This practice not only negates the potential health benefits that meat in your meal can provide, but the spoilage generated in the stomach can lead to the production of corrupted bodily humors in the long term, increasing the risk of various diseases.
It's unfortunate that the habit of consuming yogurt or buttermilk alongside meat dishes is prevalent. Many individuals have the habit of eating yogurt, yogurt and shallot, or buttermilk alongside dishes like kebabs. This practice, as mentioned earlier, can lead to food spoilage in the stomach and the development of various health issues.
One of the diseases that can potentially arise from eating meat and dairy together is vitiligo. Consuming meat and dairy products simultaneously, play a significant role in the development of this disease. It's worth noting that there is no specific treatment for vitiligo in modern medicine. Additionally, another potential consequence of eating meat and dairy together is the development of liver disorders.
Eating rice and yogurt simultaneously is another combination that can have adverse effects on the body. Consuming rice along with yogurt leads to an increase in coldness and moisture in the brain, ultimately causing phlegm dominance in the brain, resulting in forgetfulness, sluggishness, and dullness. It's important to know that eating yogurt with food, especially meat dishes, is not recommended because the mixture it creates is not a healthy combination.
Do not consume yogurt with pickles or fish. Remember that eating yogurt with vinegar (pickles) or lemon juice in the long term can lead to skin blemishes. Eating yogurt with fish, especially on a winter night when both of these foods are cold in nature, can make individuals, especially the elderly whose constitution is also cold, susceptible to strokes during sleep, which is also considered to have a cold temperament.
Do not consume yogurt and spinach together. Yogurt and spinach are two combinations that should not be eaten together because they are not compatible with each other. These two combinations lead to the expulsion of nutrients and hinder their absorption by the body. Some foods are not compatible with other nutrients, and it's essential to avoid combining them. For example, it is prohibited to eat spinach with yogurt because the calcium in yogurt prevents the absorption of iron present in spinach and causes the loss of its vitamins. Always be mindful of what you eat to avoid consuming incompatible foods together.
Yogurt and Cucumber, the main components of this appetizer or snack are yogurt and cucumbers. Both yogurt and cucumbers have a cold temperament, and it is recommended to use additives with a warm temperament, such as walnuts, raisins, dill, and mint, when preparing it. It's not advisable to consume yogurt and cucumbers excessively at every meal, and this product is not suitable for individuals with a cold temperament.
Do not consume too much yogurt and cucumbers! Cucumber yogurt (a combination of yogurt and cucumbers) used to be one of the most important cold dishes that was commonly eaten and, of course, it was also beneficial. However, nowadays, all environments are cooled by air conditioners, and physical activity is not as high, so excessive consumption of yogurt and cucumbers is not recommended, even in the summer.
Excessive coldness and moisture in the long term can cause memory disorders at a young age and prostate enlargement in older ages. It is better to consume yogurt and cucumbers with mint from time to time to help moderate their coldness.
In the past, people didn't eat local yogurt (traditional yogurt) with meals. Instead, they consumed it as a snack. They would mix ingredients like walnuts, hazelnuts, raisins, peanuts, pistachios, and almonds into the yogurt and have it as a midday or evening snack. By doing so, the negative effects of consuming yogurt with regular meals, which can lead to the creation of an unhealthy mixture in the body, were reduced. This is because yogurt is consumed separately from the main meal, and the cold temperament of yogurt is also mitigated. Additionally, a little saffron can be used to reduce the cold temperament of the yogurt.
Excessive consumption of yogurt can lead to several adverse effects:
- Imbalance in Body Temperament: Yogurt's cool nature can disrupt the balance in the body's temperament. It's important to consider your body's natural tendencies when consuming it.
- Harm to Organs: Excessive yogurt intake can harm the lungs, kidneys, brain, and nerves, primarily due to its lactic acid content.
- Not Recommended for Specific Conditions: It's not advisable for individuals with conditions such as epilepsy, constipation, bedwetting, allergies, rheumatism, heel spurs, and neurological or psychological disorders to consume excessive yogurt.
- Prohibited in Traditional Medicine: According to traditional medicine, some individuals, especially those with weak memory or excessive salivation during sleep, are advised against consuming yogurt.
Moderation is key when it comes to yogurt consumption, and it's essential to be mindful of your body's needs and conditions.