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Nutrition Essentials | Tips About Oils, Water, Honey Vinegar Syrup, and More

Key nutrition insights for you and your family's health: Notes about oils, water, sugar, honey vinegar syrup (Serke-Angabin), and more.

What are some essential nutrition tips for optimal health?

Human Diet

There's a profound correlation between nutrition and an individual's mental and spiritual wellbeing. The transition from an animalistic phase of life to a more evolved human phase is marked by the quality of food one consumes. The essence of food lies in its purity and wholesomeness, emphasizing the significance of dietary components and nutritional balance. How we nourish ourselves, the diet and the type of food we consume impact our overall wellbeing as well as our spiritual and emotional states, both chemically and on a deeper level. 

The discussion of proper human nutrition can be approached from various angles:

  1. Its impact on health and physical growth.
  2. Its influence on cognitive functions.
  3. The effects on individual behavior and social upbringing.
  4. Its influence on spiritual and moral development.

healthy salad

Cooking oil

Overall oil consumption should be minimized, and if used, opt for natural plant-based alternatives like olive and sesame. Consuming these oils can help lower blood fat levels. Also, eliminating tallow oil is considered a significant medical error. When used properly, tallow oil helps maintain skin health without a distinct odor. Increased osteoporosis risk might be associated with the consumption of refined vegetable oils, as their nature is cold, unlike the warm nature of oils derived from animals or ghee.

olive oil

Honey Syrup

A remarkable discovery in traditional medicine involves the creation of a Honey Vinegar Syrup (Serke-Angabin) using a simple method. Mixing a tablespoon of natural honey with half a freshly squeezed lemon in a cup of cool water has shown remarkable effectiveness in treating various ailments.

Honey Vinegar Syrup

Honey vinegar syrup is a versatile remedy, covering treatment for 70-80% of diseases ranging from cancer to itches. It's flexible, allowing adjustments based on the patient's condition. For warmer temperaments, increase vinegar; for colder ones, add more honey.

The recipe involves boiling two parts Mint Water with one part Vinegar, then adding two parts honey after cooling. This is called common honey vinegar syrup. To consume, mix one-third cup of this concoction with water.

Water's Healing Potential and Purity

Rainwater collected in early spring, known as Nisan Water, is believed by some to possess healing properties for various ailments.

A method to assess water purity involves adding a spoonful of vinegar to a bottle; after 5 minutes, the settling of mineral sediment indicates sterilization and safety for consumption.

Best of Waters

  1. Zamzam Water.
  2. Nisan Water. Which is rainwater without minerals, and its first precipitation occurs in the spring season. This rain approximately falls between April 12th and May 13th. With proper collection rituals, it can have health-promoting effects on individuals and transfer the temperament and nature of the spring season to them.
  3. Spring Water which comes from a high source.
  4. Boiled Water.
  5. Ocean Water, which has healing properties and is beneficial for supplying the body's mineral needs.

    Our need for water is twofold:

    1. For better digestion of food.
    2. For improved blood circulation.

     spring water

    Hidden Harms of Sugar

      1. Sugar consumption has been linked to conditions like osteoporosis and various diseases.

      2. The most dreadful disease of the century, Alzheimer or dementia, which starts with small memory loss, is caused by the consumption of sugar. This implies that within the next 25 years, half of the middle-aged population on earth will suffer from dementia, and agonizing death awaits them.

      3. Sugar is a primary factor in causing depression. People often think that eating something sweet will boost their mood, whereas it's completely the opposite. The happiness obtained from consuming sweets results from the addiction you have to it, offering temporary calmness but adversely affecting your mood and brain waves.

      4.Consumption of sugar may potentially lead to reduced motivation for physical activities.

      5. Increased consumption of sugar has been associated with changes in brain waves, delta, alpha, and theta, which make it harder to think clearly and damage your neurons. As a result, affecting concentration and decision-making abilities.

      6. Sugar can cause headaches. One common trigger of migraines is sugar and sweeteners.

      7. High levels of sugar in your blood can lead to atherosclerosis, which is thickening or hardening of the arteries.

      8. There's evidence to suggest that excess sugar is not fully absorbed and can accumulate in the liver.



      • The book of "Raw Vegetable Foods: A Divine Gift" by Professor Jamshid Khodadadi 
      • The book of "Temperament Analysis" by Professor Khairandish, Javad Ali Gholipour
      • The book of "Sustenance and Food, from the collection of essays of Tayyeb" by Dr. Mahdi Danesh.
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