Gender Determination of the Baby: Timing of Intercourse, Diet for Having a Boy, Suitable Positions for Having a Boy, and Research in This Field
Today, with the prevalence of single-child and two-child families being more common than in the past, parents are looking for ways to choose the sex of their child. However, it is important to remember that whatever our Creator intends for us is certainly the best, and there is no guaranteed way to choose the sex of the fetus with 100% certainty.
Factors affecting the natural selection of the sex of children are complex and can be influenced by the length of the interval between pregnancies, birth order, exposure to environmental toxins, maternal diet and health, and other factors (many of which are unknown).
How we determine the sex of a baby?
The sex of a baby is determined at the moment of conception. Out of the 46 chromosomes that make up a baby's genetic material, only two chromosomes, one from the sperm and one from the egg, determine the baby's sex, which we refer to as sex chromosomes. Each egg has an X sex chromosome, while sperm can carry either an X or a Y sex chromosome. If the sperm fertilizing the egg carries an X chromosome, we know the baby will be a girl, but if it carries a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy.
(There are rare genetic disorders where an extra sex chromosome exists, such as Klinefelter syndrome, XXY.)
What is the ratio of boys to girls?
Most people think that since there are two possibilities for having a baby, i.e. having a boy or a girl, then they have a 50% chance of having a boy. Actually, it’s more complicated than that. The ratio of boys to girls at birth is typically around 105-107 boys for every 100 girls born. Therefore, statistically, about 51% of newborns are boys.
To increase the chances of having a girl, it's advised not to engage in intercourse from a few days before to a few days after ovulation. The likelihood of having a girl decreases significantly during ovulation because male genes tend to be more dominant at that time, leading to a higher probability of having a boy. The optimal time for conceiving a girl and the best time for sexual intercourse for this purpose is between 3 to 4 days after the end of menstruation and again 3 to 4 days after ovulation.

How many days after menstruation does a boy form?
According to the principles of traditional medicine, the closer the timing of intercourse to a woman's ovulation, the higher the probability of having a son. Therefore, try to determine your exact and routine ovulation time 6 to 7 days after the end of menstruation using an ovulation kit, so you can plan for the next month. Typically, during ovulation, a woman's body temperature rises, and her vaginal discharge becomes thicker and white in color.
How to influence fetal gender?
Women produce one or more eggs each month during their menstrual cycle, which are chromosomally X only, while men have two types of sperm containing X and Y sex chromosomes. In fact, it's the man who determines the sex of the egg cell in a way that if an egg containing an X sex chromosome is fertilized by sperm containing a Y sex chromosome, a male cell is formed, and if the X egg is fertilized by X sperm, a female cell is formed.
Some of the characteristics of sperm containing the Y chromosome (which are much smaller than the X chromosome) are that, unlike sperm containing the X chromosome, which can survive for up to 4-5 days in the vaginal environment, they survive for a maximum of 16-18 hours in the vaginal environment.
When an egg is released, it has 12 to 24 hours to be fertilized by sperm, and then they perish.
Furthermore, Y-chromosome-containing sperm survive better in an alkaline environment and have a higher movement speed compared to X-chromosome-containing sperm.
Based on these characteristics, intervention can be made in determining fetal gender.
1- Vaginal pH
Male sperm (Y chromosome) survives better in an alkaline environment. On the other hand, the environment of the uterus during ovulation (14th day of the 28-day monthly cycle) has a high pH and is alkaline. Therefore, if fertilization occurs on this day, the likelihood of having a male fetus is high. In other times, as the pH of the uterine cervix is low and acidic, X chromosomes survive better, increasing the likelihood of having a female fetus.
Therefore, Y-chromosome-containing sperm have better mobility in alkaline environments, the same sperm that can turn the gender of the fetus into a girl. But the X chromosome is more active in acidic environments and its motility increases. For this reason, by changing the diet, it is possible to alter the vaginal environment and pH in a way that we can determine the gender of the fetus ourselves.
Some doctors also suggest starting a specific diet at least 3 months before conception for both parents so that they can produce more resilient sperm.
2- Timing of Intercourse
If fertilization occurs around the time of ovulation, a boy will be born, as during ovulation, the secretions of the uterine cervix are usually more alkaline and thinner, making it more receptive and making the movement of Y sperms easier. However, if intercourse occurs 1 to 2 days before or after ovulation, the chance of having a boy greatly decreases, and the probability of having a girl increases.
The best time for intercourse to increase the chances of having a boy is from 24 hours before ovulation to 12 hours after it.
You must know the exact date of ovulation for this purpose. On top of that, the stronger the man's sperm, the better, and certain foods must be consumed helping to have a boy.
3- Pre-pregnancy Nutrition
Nutrition plays a fundamental role in determining gender because food substances have a direct relationship with reducing or increasing the pH of the uterus.
For having a girl, the woman should consume foods rich in calcium and magnesium as much as possible. For having a boy, consuming a high amount of sodium and potassium is recommended. Foods containing sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and zinc increase the pH of the uterus and have a useful role in having a male fetus. These foods include apricots, pistachios, greengage, dates, cherries, raspberry, strawberries, figs, Persian melon, tomatoes, onions, olives, potatoes, red meat, fish, rice, spinach, bananas, garlic, walnuts, honey, ginger, coconut, raisins, citrus, sheep, or ostrich are effective, and conversely, foods containing calcium, magnesium, and copper such as dairy products (yogurt, milk, cheese), cabbage, mushrooms, green peas, green beans, lettuce, barley, eggs, can reduce uterine pH and lead to the birth of a female baby.
Pre-pregnancy Diet for Boys
Given that sperm containing X Y chromosomes (the factor for creating a male fetus) have a shorter lifespan than sperm containing X X chromosomes (the factor for creating a female fetus), traditional medicine recommends that by eating foods high in sodium and potassium two or three months before pregnancy, sperm containing X Y chromosomes can be maintained in the uterus for a longer period to fertilize the egg. Therefore, despite the side effects of excessive salt on the body, salt intake should be increased. Foods such as legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils, etc.), dried fruits, mushrooms, bananas, asparagus, potatoes, apples, and almonds are high in potassium.
By eliminating acidic foods such as meat, dairy products, eggs, sour fruits, carbonated beverages, and vinegar from the diet a few months before pregnancy, the chance of having a son can be increased.
Proper nutrition for a male fetus includes specific items that by eating and drinking these items, you can have a male fetus completely. Nutrition experts believe that if you have a specific diet a few weeks before pregnancy, the acidity of the body will change and give mothers and fathers the opportunity to determine the specific gender.

Traditional Medicine and Gender Determination
In traditional medicine, to have a male child, both the father and mother should follow a warm-natured diet, while for having a daughter, a diet with a cold nature is recommended. In the first step, the temperament of the spouses should be determined by a physician, and then, based on the current temperament of the husband and wife and according to the desired gender of the fetus, a suitable diet should be prescribed. For example, consuming spices and foods that are inclined towards warmth in nature can help in having a male child.
Positions for Gender Determination of the Fetus
Shettles recommends that if couples want to have a male child, they should consider the following:
Best Position: Deep penetration. By doing so, semen and sperm are discharged close to the cervix, providing the best opportunity for eggs in the fallopian tubes. Twelve hours before ovulation increases the chance of having a male child. It even helps women reach orgasm and increases vaginal alkalinity, aiding sperm. Orgasm also causes uterine and vaginal contractions that help sperm move upwards.
Suitable Positions for Male Offspring
1- Doggy Style
A position recommended mostly for those aiming for male offspring is the doggy style. Doggy style is one of the best positions to increase the likelihood of having a male child, as it allows for deep penetration and provides a better position for the male sperm to reach the egg. In this method, the woman should be on her knees and hands like a four-legged animal, and the man penetrates from behind. You can also achieve this position by placing several cushions under the woman's abdomen.
2- Standing Position
Another position that facilitates deep penetration is standing penetration. According to some specialists, male sperm reach the egg more easily and quickly in this position. As a result, the chances of conceiving a male offspring increase. When standing, your partner can lift you up or lean against the wall to engage in sexual intercourse.
3- Walking
Another excellent position for conceiving a male child is penetration while walking. In this method, the man should lie down or sit on a bed, chair, sofa, or anywhere else chosen. Then, the woman moves towards him, and they engage in penetration. In this method, deep penetration occurs, and the chances of conceiving a male offspring increase. If the man has a large genital organ or if the woman feels uncomfortable during the examination of the positions mentioned above, to increase the chances of conceiving a male offspring and control penetration, you can try movement from above.

Research on Gender Determination
According to some research, it has been proven that changes in the concentration of certain blood minerals can help determine gender. Specifically, increasing sodium and potassium and decreasing calcium and magnesium in the body can aid in conceiving male or female fetuses.
In summary, foods suitable for conceiving male offspring include: table salt, salty foods, bananas, oranges, apples, rice, dates, carrots, potatoes, liver, meat, eggs, fish, seafood, veal liver, carrots, spinach, grains, fruits, vegetables, and foods suitable for conceiving female offspring include: milk and dairy products, sardines, mushrooms, green peas, green beans, barley, caviar, almonds, wheat germ, cabbage, squash, green peppers, cocoa, yogurt, ice cream, cauliflower, coffee, cocoa, grains, vegetables, brewer's yeast, soy, beets, walnuts, and more.
It is necessary to adhere to this diet three months before attempting pregnancy, especially during the month of conception.
Research has shown that increasing the amount of glucose in cervical mucus secretion during ovulation helps spermatozoa absorption. Since male spermatozoa have greater motility, increased cervical mucus secretion is more favorable to male spermatozoa. Therefore, consuming sweet fruits containing glucose on ovulation days makes the environment more suitable for attracting Y spermatozoa. It is also better to consume the following foods, as they rapidly increase your blood sugar levels: glucose, sucrose (simple sugar or sugar), corn syrup, honey, fruit-flavored cereals, boiled potatoes, raisins, white bread.
Some foods also help increase the likelihood of conceiving a male child. Research results indicate that a diet high in potassium and sodium and low in acidic substances increases the likelihood of conceiving a male offspring. This is why old beliefs suggested eating more bananas if you wanted a boy, as bananas are rich in potassium. However, if you have diabetes, you should not consume too many bananas. For sodium intake, you can use purified sea salt or canned foods. However, this diet should not be continued for a long time as it can cause various side effects such as nutrient deficiencies in the body.
Final Note:
Regarding gender selection or gender change of the fetus, there is a combination of incorrect information and very little knowledge. Most recommendations in this regard, such as sexual intercourse at specific times during ovulation, are harmless. However, some gender selection methods can be harmful. For example, gender selection diets can be dangerous, and some incorrect gender change methods, such as vaginal douching, can cause vaginal infections and actually reduce the chances of pregnancy. On the other hand, there are assisted reproductive technologies that can help individuals choose the gender of their future child. However, these technologies are expensive, come with medical risks, and are not 100% guaranteed. There are many reasons why parents prefer to choose the gender of their future child. These reasons include medical problems, cultural biases, and personal preferences. It is understandable that there are many ethical dilemmas regarding gender selection before pregnancy that need to be addressed. Even if an individual is not seeking to influence the gender of their child, learning about natural and proven research methods for gender selection of the child can be beneficial.