truth about water

The Truth About Water: Debunking Myths and Maximizing Benefits

In this article we go through discovery of plastic particles in bottled water, harms of ice-cold water, treating diseases with warm water, is home water purifier good for health? etiquette of drinking water, benefits of rainwater, water and sunlight and more. Stay with us.

Drinking water, more special than other uses, refers to water that is of sufficiently high quality so that it can be consumed or used without risk of harmless.

Should We Use a Water Purifier?

Water purification devices should not be excessively used to filter water. The purified water is too pure and lacks trace elements that are beneficial to the human body.

There is simple water purification devices made of several layers of ceramic and clay, similar to old-fashioned water pots, that soften the water. If you travel to areas where you are unsure about the water quality, you can use these household devices.

Some experts believe that using water purification devices can increase the contamination level of water and promote the growth of mold, algae, or bacterial colonies within the reservoirs of household purified water, which itself can become a source of water contamination.

One of the best methods for water purification is using an unglazed clay pitcher. It's the best option for storing water after it has been collected from the municipal plumbing system. It is a significant part of traditional handicrafts in this area and was widely used in the past. When you use a clay pitcher, over time, you will notice layers appearing on the outside, indicating that the pitcher has absorbed the water's hardness.

The clay pitcher prevents the water from becoming too cold, and in places without a refrigerator, it keeps the water inside cool. You just need to place the pitcher in the shade.

Is Boiling Water Good for Purifying?

Boiling water does kill the bacteria present in it. However, the loss of beneficial bacteria in water over time can be harmful. When using water from springs, streams, and qanats, and we are not sure if the water quality is good or if it is contaminated, boiling water is the best method for purification.

It is advisable to boil water only during travel, due to the uncertainty of the water quality in that area.

Do not drink water that has been boiled twice!

The accumulation of dangerous compounds like arsenic, nitrate, and fluoride in the water can lead to cancer, heart disease, neurological problems, kidney stones, gallbladder issues, and even infertility.

boiled water

How to Use Boiled Water for Treatment

We all know that drinking enough water daily is essential for having healthy, vibrant skin, detoxifying the body, and particularly supporting the liver. However, if you replace cold water with lukewarm water, you can prevent many issues and ensure your body's health. You can even drink lukewarm water instead of purified water.

Drinking enough water can support the health of your skin, muscles, and joints. Water helps cells absorb nutrients and fight infections. Fotter water is a water that is taken off the heat as soon as it boils and then cooled down. Integrating this water into your daily routine, while eliminating cold water, can benefit your health. Cold water requires the body’s heat for digestion, so it is suggested to reduce or eliminate the consumption of cold water for your health.

Benefits of Drinking Fotter Water

liver and stomach cleansing, breath freshening, relaxing blood vessels, eliminating bile and phlegm, treating an excess of black bile and balancing temperament, reducing stomach heat, relieving headaches, strengthening and firming teeth, detoxifying the body, alleviating constipation, and more.

Every morning, wake up early and drink 4 glasses (160 milliliters each) of lukewarm water on an empty stomach. The water should be warm but not hot to burn the tongue—lukewarm, close to warm. Do not eat anything for 45 minutes after drinking and avoid drinking water for 2 hours after each meal.

Note: Some people may have difficulty drinking 4 glasses of water at once initially. They can start with less water and gradually increase to 4 glasses.

Drinking Warm Water on an Empty Stomach!

A cardiologist says that if the person who receives this recommendation sends it to those they know, it could save their lives.

The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases has published the latest experience with water therapy, which has shown 100% positive results for the following conditions:

Severe headaches, high blood pressure, anemia, joint pain, paralysis, rapid and strong heartbeat, epilepsy, obesity, cough, throat inflammation, asthma, tuberculosis, inflammation of the arteries, and any urinary tract disorders, excessive acid secretion and stomach inflammation, loss of appetite, and any conditions related to the ears, throat, and eyes.

drinking lukewarm water

The results of water therapy for the following conditions have been proven within specific periods:

1. Diabetes: 30 days
2. High blood pressure: 30 days
3. Stomach problems: 10 days
4. Various cancers: 9 months
5. Tuberculosis and inflammation of the arteries: 6 months
6. Malnutrition: 10 days
7. Urinary tract problems: 10 days
8. Nasal, ear, and throat issues: 20 days
9. Menstrual problems: 15 days
10. Cardiovascular diseases: 30 days
11.Severe headaches: 3 days
12. Anemia: 30 days
13. High cholesterol: 4 months
14. Epilepsy and paralysis: 9 months
15. Respiratory problems: 4 months
water therapy

How to Drink Water?

It is believed that drinking water while standing at night causes yellow bile in the body which leads to liver cirrhosis and skin problems over time. Most liver problems are related to the way water is consumed.

Drinking water while standing during the day increases sweating and boosts the body's strength.

Harms of Cold Water

Avicenna said, if cold water does not affect you at a young age, it will harm you during your old age.

Cold water causes fat to stick around the heart’s blood vessels, leading to blockage of the four main coronary arteries and heart attacks or cardiac arrest.

You may have heard that young people who experience cardiac arrest and die often do so because of drinking cold water! Cold water is considered the primary and major cause of liver cirrhosis and liver destruction, as it causes fat to stick to the liver's walls.

Ice water is considered the primary and most significant cause of liver cirrhosis and liver damage because it causes fat to accumulate around the liver walls.

✓ Unfortunately, over 90% of those awaiting a liver transplant had a habit of drinking very cold water beforehand! 
✓ In general, drinking cold water leads to pancreatic failure and diabetes.
✓ Cold water destroys the intestinal and stomach enamel, leading to gastrointestinal cancers.
adverse effects of drinking cold water

Rainwater Benefits

In areas where the air is not polluted, rainwater contains vitamin B12, which helps eliminate anemia, improves neurological conditions, and is healthier than tap water. The smell of rain also reduces stress and anxiety.

Properties of Nisan Rainwater

Nisan is a Jewish month, lasting from April 11th to May 10th. According to tradition, if rainwater collected during Nisan is blessed with specific rituals and prayers, it can bestow spiritual and physical healing upon those who drink it, reflecting the rejuvenating nature of spring.

How to Collect Nisan Rainwater

Gather rainwater by placing a container outside during a shower.

Discovery of Plastic Particles in Bottled Water

Tests on bottled water from major companies show that almost all of them contain microscopic plastic particles. In the largest study of its kind, 250 bottles purchased in 9 different countries were tested. The manufacturers of these products, whose items were tested, informed the BBC that their factories operate according to the highest standards.

bottled water

Do Not Drink Just Any Water

Do not drink water that has been warmed by the sun for ablution, bathing, or making dough, as it can cause vitiligo.

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