brown rice

Brown Rice: A Nutritional Powerhouse

In this article we go through brown rice, health benefits, nutrition facts, how to prepare it, and the difference between white rice and brown rice.

Nutritional Comparison between White Rice and Brown Rice

Globally, rice is a mainstay — it's the primary food staple for more than 2/3 of the world's population. The unique characteristics of rice have turned it into a highly consumed food item to meet nutritional needs.

Each half-cup of white rice contains 103 calories, while each half-cup of brown rice contains 108 calories. Rice is gluten-free, easily digested, cholesterol , sodium and fat free.

Brown rice flour is a healthy food rich in essential minerals such as iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

It also contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E, and K, serving as a protein source. In addition to all these, brown rice flour provides essential fatty acids.

brown rice better than white rice

Comparison between white rice and brown rice

  1. Brown rice is a whole grain containing bran and germ, providing fiber and several vitamins and minerals. In contrast, white rice is a refined grain, where these nutritious parts have been removed.
  2. Brown rice has significantly higher nutritional content compared to white rice, including fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
  3. Brown rice contains phytic acid, an anti-nutrient, and it also has higher levels of arsenic compared to white rice. This may raise concerns for those consuming a significant amount of rice. However, balanced consumption is essential
  4. Eating brown rice may help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, white rice may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  5. Eating brown rice and other whole grains may increase blood antioxidant levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and aid in weight management. Additionally, the consumption of brown rice has various benefits, including improving cardiovascular, brain, digestive, and nervous system functions.
  6. Using brown rice has numerous benefits, such as improving cardiovascular function, brain health, digestive system, and nervous system performance.
  7. Brown rice, loaded with powerful antioxidants, helps alleviate a wide spectrum of conditions such as stress, mental depression, high blood pressure, unhealthy levels of bad cholesterol, and skin disorders.
  8. The nutrients present in brown rice are effective for treating disorders such as diabetes, insomnia, cancer, obesity, and neurogenic disorders.
  9. Brown rice aids in maintaining healthy bones, strengthening the immune system, and also possesses antidepressant properties.
  10. Brown rice is beneficial for hyperglycemia and diabetic individuals. It has a low glycemic index, which is helpful in reducing insulin resistance, and it aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels in the body.
  11. The potent antioxidants found in brown rice provide protection against damage caused by free oxygen radicals. This enzyme contains crucial antioxidant components that safeguard cells from oxidative stress during energy production.
  12. Brown rice prevents obesity: Brown rice is highly suitable for weight control, particularly for individuals combating obesity. According to research, whole grains like black rice and brown rice have positive effects on reducing body mass index and fat.
  13. Preventing Alzheimer's with brown rice: According to research conducted in 2013, the sprouts of brown rice contribute to preventing neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Brown rice contains beneficial substances that help inhibit harmful enzymes associated with Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, brown rice is beneficial for other brain disorders such as memory loss and dementia. Reducing stress in lactating women with brown rice: According to a research study in the European Journal of Nutrition, consuming brown rice can show positive results in lactating women by reducing mental disorders, fatigue, and depression. Additionally, brown rice germ is highly beneficial for the mental health of breastfeeding mothers. The consumption of brown rice during lactation enhances the body's ability to resist stress and improves overall immunity.
  14. Reducing stress in breastfeeding women with brown rice: According to a research study in the European Journal of Nutrition, consuming brown rice can show positive results in breastfeeding women by reducing mental disorders, fatigue, and depression. Additionally, brown rice sprouts are very beneficial for the mental health of breastfeeding mothers. Consuming brown rice during lactation increases the body's ability to resist stress and improves overall immunity.
  15. Brown rice for heart health: Selenium present in brown rice is highly beneficial for improving heart health, and its consumption aids in reducing artery blockage due to platelet accumulation. Consuming brown rice reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders such as high blood pressure and vascular diseases. Additionally, a component in a layer of tissue surrounding grains of brown rice may work against angiotensin. Angiotensin is a protein and known culprit in the development of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. 
  16. Brown rice is rich in zinc, contributing to overall health. It is flavorful and aids in body detoxification.

brown vs white rice

The difference between white rice and brown rice

In the classification of various types of rice, it should be noted that there are two types of rice, including white rice and brown rice.

Brown rice is the rice in its intact form, which includes bran, germ, and endosperm. This form of rice is known as whole-grain rice.

It is a type of rice that holds a significant place in traditional medicine and is considered a whole grain.

The consumption of brown rice is preferred due to its high nutritional properties compared to white rice.

✓ The difference between brown rice and white rice is not just in color! The rice grain has multiple layers. In the production of brown rice, the outermost layer is left intact. This process minimizes damage to the nutritional value of rice and prevents unnecessary loss of nutrients, which often occurs during the whitening process. If more of the outer layer and bran are removed from brown rice, the result is white rice, which has lost many other nutrients in the process.

✓ In fact, brown rice is a whole grain that is composed of more nutrients compared to white rice. This means that before milling, brown rice has its bran, germ, and hull intact. This is what we refer to as brown rice. The bran and germ of rice have a particular advantage as they contribute to increasing the lifespan of rice. Additionally, rice bran enhances the nutritional value of rice, as it contains various essential nutrients such as fiber, minerals, and different vitamins needed by the body.

✓ Brown rice is a dehusked and unpolished rice produced by removing the outer layer- the hull of the rice kernel. This procedure helps brown rice to keep its nutritional value high. It is chewier as compared to white rice and has a nutty flavour.

✓ Brown rice is the least processed form of rice. This was a very traditional food before white.

In factories, the outer husk, bran, and germ of white rice are removed. As a result, brown rice retains more nutritional benefits than white rice. Brown rice preserves nutrients lost in white rice, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, due to the popularity of low-carb diets, many people avoid consuming brown rice. This article explores the health benefits of brown rice to help you decide whether to include it in your diet or not.

✓ Brown rice is a whole grain that still contains the bran, husk, and germ layers, making its fiber content higher. On the other hand, white rice lacks these components, resulting in fewer nutrients. The nutritional information for one cup of enriched white rice is as follows: 205 calories, 4 grams of protein, 1 gram of fiber, 45 grams of carbohydrates, and 5 grams of fat.

✓ Although they are similar in calorie and carbohydrate content, brown rice has a nutritional advantage over white rice in various other aspects.

✓ In traditional medicine, the bran of brown rice is considered neither cold nor warm in temperament; its temperament is moderate.

Health Risks of White Rice Compared to Brown Rice

Refined white rice has a higher glycemic index than brown rice, indicating a quicker breakdown into glucose compared to consuming brown rice.

Eating white rice on a regular basis may increase the risk for type 2 diabetes, according to new Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) research.

Brown rice takes longer to digest because it contains more fiber. A study at Harvard University showed that consuming five or more servings of white rice per week increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 17%, while in individuals consuming two or more servings of brown rice per week, this risk decreases by 11%.

brown rice

Studies on the Therapeutic Effects of Brown Rice

Nutritional information for one cup of cooked long-grain brown rice is as follows:






6 grams


3 grams


52 grams


2 grams

Brown rice is often associated with a healthy diet, being considered a whole grain. This type of rice undergoes less processing in factories compared to white rice. In factories, the outer husk, bran, and germ of white rice are removed. As a result, the nutritional properties of brown rice surpass those of white rice. Brown rice retains nutrients lost in the processing of white rice, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, due to the popularity of low-carb diets, many people avoid consuming brown rice.

  1. Weight Loss

Is Brown Rice Good for Weight Loss? Replacing more refined grains with brown rice may help you lose weight. Refined grains like white rice, white pasta and white bread lack the fiber and nutrients that whole grains like brown rice contain.

Brown rice aids in weight loss for the following reasons:

one cup of brown rice (158 grams) contains 3.5 grams of fiber, but white rice contains less than 1 gram. On the other hand, fiber is useful in weight loss, because it makes the body feel fuller faster, curbs appetite, thereby reducing calorie consumption.

In fact, studies indicate that individuals consuming more whole grains, like brown rice, tend to have lower body weight compared to those consuming fewer whole grains.

A study of over 74,000 women found that those who ate more whole grains weighed consistently less than those who ate fewer whole grains.

Plus, the women who had the highest intake of fiber had a 49% lower risk of major weight gain than the women who had the lowest fiber intake.

  1. Reduction of Belly Fat

To help reduce belly fat, consider replacing white rice with brown rice.

In one study, 40 overweight women who ate 2/3 cup (150 grams) of brown rice per day for six weeks had significant reductions in body weight and waist circumference compared to women who ate the same amount of white rice.

  1. Heart Health and Blood Pressure Reduction

In addition, these women experienced a remarkable reduction in blood pressure and CRP, an indicator of inflammation in the body. It can be concluded that brown rice is beneficial for heart health. This rice has significant fiber and beneficial compounds, aiding in reducing the risk of heart diseases.

A large study of over 560,000 people showed that people who ate the most dietary fiber had a 24–59% lower risk of developing heart disease, cancer and respiratory diseases.

 Similarly, a review of 45 studies found that people who ate the highest number of whole grains, including brown rice, had a 21% lower risk of coronary heart disease compared to those who ate the least whole grains.

Aside from being a good source of fiber, brown rice contains compounds called lignans that may help reduce heart disease risk factors.

Diets high in lignan-rich foods, such as whole grains, flax seeds, sesame seeds and nuts, have been associated with reduced cholesterol, lower blood pressure and decreased artery stiffness.

  1. Stroke Prevention

Brown rice is high in magnesium, a mineral that plays a critical role in keeping the heart healthy. One review of 40 studies found that increasing dietary magnesium was associated with a 7–22% lower risk of stroke, heart failure and all-cause mortality.

Another review of nine studies demonstrated that every 100 mg/day increase in dietary magnesium reduced heart disease mortality in women by 24–25%.

5. Bone Health

Whole grains are a good source of folate, riboflavin, potassium, and calcium. Additionally, brown rice contains an exceptional amount of manganese. Manganese is vital for many essential bodily processes such as bone strength, wound healing, metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve function, and blood sugar regulation. A deficiency in manganese increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, bone mineralization breakdown, and impaired growth and fertility. Just one cup of brown rice nearly fulfills your daily requirement of this important nutrient.

6. Stress Protection

 Brown rice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, providing powerful plant compounds. For instance, it contains phenols and flavonoids. Phenols and flavonoids belong to the class of antioxidants that help protect the body against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress reduces the risk of heart diseases, certain types of cancer, and premature aging. Antioxidants in brown rice contribute to preventing cellular damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals and reducing inflammation in the body.

7. Diabetes Reduction

     In a study involving over 197,000 participants, replacing just 50 grams of white rice with brown rice per week was associated with a 16 percent reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    According to a comparative study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, brown rice is rich in phytic acid, fiber, and polyphenols. Additionally, as per the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association, it is advisable for individuals with diabetes to choose brown rice to meet their dietary needs for essential minerals, fiber, and vitamins.

    8.Suitable for Autoimmune Diseases

    Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. Some individuals have sensitivity or intolerance to gluten, experiencing mild to severe reactions such as stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, and vomiting. Brown rice naturally does not contain gluten. Additionally, individuals with certain autoimmune diseases often benefit from a gluten-free diet. Fortunately, brown rice is naturally gluten-free, making it a safe choice for those who cannot or prefer not to consume gluten. Brown rice is also used to produce other gluten-free products such as crackers and pasta, allowing individuals with a gluten-free diet to enjoy these alternatives.

    The therapeutic effects of brown rice can be summarized as follows:

    1. Combatting and preventing cancer
    2. Aiding in weight loss
    3. Maintaining digestive system health
    4. Strengthening bones and beneficial for skin and hair health
    5. Assisting in regulating blood pressure
    6. Brown rice has a higher fiber content, promoting a quicker and more substantial feeling of satiety
    7. The prevention and control the diabetes
    8. Useful in treating constipation
    9. Brown rice, due to its high selenium content, is beneficial for optimal thyroid gland function, contributing to overall well-being
    10. Preserving the health of the nervous system and sexual hormones, rich in manganese, an essential antioxidant preventing cell damage.

    Brown rice, due to its richness in vitamin B1, has a positive impact on the heart and nervous system. Additionally, its content of vitamin B3 aids in alleviating mental distress and anxiety.

    How to cook brown rice

    Brown rice, due to its outer husk, requires more time and water compared to white rice. Typically, for cooking one cup of brown rice, two and a half to three cups of water are needed. Soaking brown rice in water, similar to white rice, helps it cook faster. The approximate cooking time for pre-soaked brown rice is 35-40 minutes.

     cooking brown rice

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