Breathe Deep & Boost Health with the 40-Day Challenge

Breathe Deep & Boost Health with the 40-Day Challenge

Breathing is the primary way to deliver oxygen to the body, and proper breathing techniques can be helpful in managing stress and improving physical and mental wellbeing.

Breathing is seemingly a simple act that many of us don't pay attention to how it's done unless we encounter a problem and are reminded of the importance of breathing!

When taking shallow breaths doesn't provide enough oxygen for the body, problems start to arise. On the other hand, those who engage in deeper breathing, experience better health and longer lifespan, as they reap the benefits of it.

When you take shallow breaths, you inhale less air compared to deeper breaths. This can lead to decreased oxygen intake over time.

The most effective and correct method of breathing and utilizing clean air is the 40-day breathing challenge, which will be explained in detail in the following sections. 


What is the 40-Day Breathing Challenge?

It's a forty-day practice involving deep, mindful breaths taken in the fresh morning air. The timing and technique are crucial, and the ideal window is between the Fajr Adhan (the call to prayer at dawn) and sunrise. 

How to breath correctly

First, inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, bringing the air into your stomach. Then, for a count of four, gently exhale the air from your lungs and then your stomach through your mouth.

Note: To prevent dizziness, start with fewer breaths in the initial days and gradually increase the number over time.

Benefits of proper breathing and performing 40-day breathing challenge

1- Reducing anxiety

Lie on your back on a flat surface. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Breathe slowly according to the method mentioned above. After inhaling, hold your breath for one to two seconds, then exhale gently. Repeat this technique until you gradually feel more relaxed.

how to breath

2- Eliminating body toxins

Throughout the day, take deep breaths for at least 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times, to completely expel toxic vapors from your body through respiration.

3- Reducing pain

Deep breathing, especially during chronic pain, acts as a natural painkiller in the body by increasing the secretion of endorphins. Additionally, deep breathing reduces the acidity in the body, shifting it towards alkalinity, which in turn makes pain more bearable.

4- Improving lung function         

Taking 10 deep breaths daily can help reduce respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), bronchitis, and chest pain. Those who want to strengthen their lungs in fighting diseases like COVID-19 can benefit from this practice.

5- Weight loss

Deep breathing increases the oxygen supply to the body, which aids in more effective fat burning.

6- Blood pressure control

Deep breathing can reduce high blood pressure. It's advisable to perform abdominal breathing for 10 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day, to control blood pressure and maintain heart health.

deep breathing benefits

7- Controlling sexual desire

Improper control of sexual desire can disrupt the nervous balance and vital forces of the body. This imbalance may lead to increased stress and anxiety, affecting overall well-being. Deep breathing exercises can be an effective way to manage and balance these impulses, contributing to a healthier state of mind and body.

When sexual desire becomes uncontrollable, it's advisable to change your location and posture, and take several deep breaths. Brisk walking is also effective in these situations.

8- A way to control emotions and feelings

People who are emotional tend to have shallower breaths. If emotions cause you to deviate from your values and goals, they definitely need to be moderated and controlled. Deep breathing and positive thinking are the two main pillars for controlling negative emotions.

Some other benefits of proper breathing include:

 9- Increased energy

10- Strengthening the immune system

11- Accelerating the repair of damaged tissue

12- Preventing skin wrinkles

13- Enhancing brain activity and memory

Now, having learned the techniques of deep breathing and the 40-Day Deep Breathing Challenge, and understanding their many benefits, we should pay more attention to our most vital act - breathing. By adopting this simple and cost-effective method, we can significantly reduce our mental and physical stresses.

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